Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ahhh, Beating the Aches and Pains from Running

After being pretty battered and bruised from August 26th's grueling 18-miler, I decided the quickest way to recover would be an ice bath. I am not sure which was more painful, the ice bath, or the run itself. Yes sir, that 18 week marathon training schedule has now kicked into full gear! Those mid-week runs (at least mine) are reaching 10 and 12 miles long, and I've put one Saturday 20 miler behind me, one more to go. Speaking of which, Ann and I ran it in pouring rain for nearly 3 and a half hours. So then I think back to winter training for Boston and I'm not sure which is worse - a 7 degree day in which your water bottles freeze solid within 5 miles, or the quirky up and down weather of summer training. We are truly gluttons for punishment!

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