Thursday, November 08, 2007

New York City has Hills?

"One Tough Course" - One cool thing about running two back-to-back marathons in 30 days is that the usual "post marathon depression" never came. You REALLY ARE OVER RUNNING MARATHONS at this point.

But I survived, and achieved my goal which was go have a good time and finish in a respectable time, 4:43:02. I ran with my Boston running buddy Silvia for nearly 21 miles, but my feet really began to hurt and I couldn't help but slow down as I ran (more like shuffled) the last 3 uphill miles through Central Park... Silvia managed to record her personal best of 4:29 and some change!

So for 2007, there will be no PR's, rather feelings of contentment in finishing both marathons, each of which posed different and unexpected challenges. Thanks to all who donated to the National MS Society - a total of $6,000 was raised. To all of you, I toast you and thank you for your wonderful generosity as we try to find a cure for MS.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Toughing it out in Chicago 2007

Brutally hot, and pretty unbelievable! The forecast called for upper 80's on race day and the result...10,000 "no-shows", more than 10,000 who didn't finish, 300 sent to area hospitals, and one very unfortunate fatality. The race was prematurely cancelled into the fourth hour, but not without 24,933 determined runners who kept on going and made it to the finish line. The elite race was pretty amazing as well, with neck-and-neck finishes for both the male and female categories. WOW! I toughed it out the last six miles and actually finished in a respectable time, 4:40:31. Tina and I agreed this was the single most physically challenging thing we had ever done in our lifetime, period. This photo was taken around mile 13 - Forrest was handing off an ice-cold sponge, which I placed in my cap to keep my head cool, and a water bottle to help bridge the long gaps between water stations. Despite running in water-soaked shoes, not one blister, and just a few sore muscles. This marathon is definitely one to remember!